SHARP Annual Bibliography 2023 – SHARP NEWS (2024)

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Abdela, Sophie, Maxime Cartron, and Nicholas Dion, eds. Histoire de l’édition: enjeux et usages des partages disciplinaires (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle). Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2023.

Abdul Manaf, Nor Faridah, Rohaiza Rokis, and Wan Nur Madiha Ramian, eds. Budaya membaca di Malaysia: satu tinjauan terkini. Petaling Jaya: Kenyalang, 2023.

AbiFarès, Huda Smitshuijzen, and John Kortbawi. Imprimerie Catholique 1848-2000, The Catholic Press of Beirut: A Printing & Design Legacy in the Arab East. Amsterdam: Khatt Books, 2023.

Abrighach, Mohamed, ed. Edición y libro español en Marruecos. Agadir: Publicaciones de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, Laboratorio de Investigación sobre Marruecos y el Mundo Hispánico, 2023.

Adam, Gottfried. Thumb Bibles: The History of a Literary Genre. Leiden: Brill, 2023.

Adams, Robyn, and Jacqueline L. Glomski, eds. Seventeenth-Century Libraries: Problems and Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, 2023.

Agudelo Ochoa, Ana María, Nancy Vargas Castro, and Danilo Penagos Jaramillo. Edición de literatura en Colombia, 1944-2016: sesenta años de Ediciones Espiral, Tercer Mundo y Norma. Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2023.

Agudín Menéndez, José Luis. El Siglo Futuro: un diario carlista en tiempos republicanos (1931-1936). Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2023.

Ahmed, Maaheen, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Comics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Alderson, Brian, and Andrea Immel, eds. Profits from the Nursery: Booksellers Discover Children’s Books in the Hand-Press Period. London; Princeton: Children’s Books History Society; Cotsen Children’s Library, 2023.

Allahyari, Keyvan. Peter Carey: The Making of a Global Novelist. Cham: Springer, 2023. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-27564-7.

Allen, Garrick Vernon, Kelsie Gayle Rodenbiker, Anthony Philip Royle, Jill Unkel, and Usama Gad, eds. The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety Literature, Papyrology, Ethics. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.

Alsancakli, Sacha, and Philip Bockholt, eds. Authorship and Textual Transmission in the Manuscript Age: Contextualising Ideological Variants in Persian Texts. Paris: Association pour l’avancement des Études Iraniennes, 2023.

Alsemgeest, Alex, Steven Claeyssens, and Trude Dijkstra, eds. Technologie & transformatie: = Technology and transformation. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2023.

Altarriba, A. Los 80 dibujados: cómics de la movida aragonesa. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2023.

Altuncu, Abdullah. Kilise ve sansür: papalığın ibrani matbuatına yönelik sansürü. Ankara: Ankara Okulu Yayınları, 2023.

Alyal, Amina, ed. Literature and Image in the Long Nineteenth Century: Speaking Picture and Silent Text. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023.

Ames, Alexander Lawrence, and Mark Samuels Lasner. Grolier Club Bookplates: Past & Present. New York: The Grolier Club, 2023.

Amsler, Monika. The Babylonian Talmud and Late Antique Book Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. doi:10.1017/9781009297349.

Andreas, Petr, and Martin Štefek, eds. Optimální cenzurou bude kádrová politika: tisková politika v období tzv. normalizace 1968-1989. Praha: Academia, 2023.

Andreoli, Ilaria, and Helena Katalin Szépe, eds. The Art of the Renaissance Book: Tributes in Honor of Lilian Armstrong. Turnhout: Brepols, 2023.

Andrist, Patrick, Élodie Attia, and Marilena Maniaci, eds. From the Thames to the Euphrates: Intersecting Perspectives on Greek, Latin and Hebrew Bibles. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.

Antolin, Alexandre. Une censure éditoriale: Ravages de Violette Leduc. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2023.

Appel, Charlotte, Nina Christensen, and M. O. Grenby, eds. Transnational Books for Children 1750-1900. Clcc.15. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2023.

Aresu, Francesco Marco. Manuscript Poetics: Materiality and Textuality in Medieval Italian Literature. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2023.

Argudo Martínez, Arantza. Mujeres dibujantes del cómic español en los años del boom (1975-1992): la entrada de la mujer en la industria de la narración gráfica española. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2023.

Asatʻiani, Kʻetʻevan. Kʻartʻuli xelnacerebi da istoriuli sabutʻebi. Tbilisi: Sakʻartʻvelos erovnuli arkʻivi (National Archives of Georgia), 2023.

Aslanian, Sebouh David. Early Modernity and Mobility: Port Cities and Printers across the Armenian Diaspora, 1512-1800. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2023.

Atkinson, David, and Steve Roud, eds. Cheap Print and Street Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2023. doi:10.11647/obp.0347.

Babka, Lukáš. Slovanská Knihovna 1924-2024: průvodce po dějinách, fondech a službách = the Slavonic Library, Prague 1924-2024 : a guide to its history, funds and services. Praha: Národní knihovna České republiky, 2023.

Baetens, Jan, Hugo Frey, and Fabrice Leroy, eds. The Cambridge Companion to the American Graphic Novel. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Bainbridge, Abigail. Conservation of Books. London: Routledge, 2023. doi:10.4324/9781003162674.

Bales, Stephen, and Wendi Arant Kaspar. Serapis: The Sacred Library and Its Declericalization. Sacramento: Library Juice Press, 2023.

Bali, Rıfat N., ed. Kitâbiyat, kütüphaneler ve arşivler âlemi. İstanbul: Libra Kitapçılık ve Yayıncılık, 2023.

Bandits in Print The Water Margin and the Transformations of Vernacular Fiction. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2023.

Banou, Penelope, Georgios Boudalis, Patricia Engel, Stephen R. Hill, Joseph Schirò, and Jedert Vodopivec, eds. Artists’ Paper: A Case in Paper History. Horn: Verlag Berger, 2023.

Barbuschak, Chris, Suzanne S. LaPierre, and Sujatha Hampton. Desegregation in Northern Virginia Libraries. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2023.

Baroni, Silvia. L’immagine alla lettera: la letteratura illustrata e il caso Balzac. Roma: Artemide, 2023.

Bártolo, José. História do design gráfico em Portugal: perspectivas críticas. Lisbon; Matosinhos: Público; Esad-idea, Investigação em Design e Arte, 2023.

Bascuñán Correa, Patricio. Masivas e ilustradas: portadas de libros de bolsillo en el Cono Sur (1956-1973). Santiago de Chile: LOM Ediciones, 2023.

Bassi, Giulia. “Con assoluta sincerità”: il lavoro editoriale di Natalia Ginzburg (1943-1952). Firenze; Siena: Firenze University Press ; USiena Press, 2023.

Baudino, Isabelle. Eighteenth-Century Engravings and Visual History in Britain. New York: Routledge, 2023.

Bausi, Alessandro, and Michael Friedrich, eds. Tied and Bound: A Comparative View on Manuscript Binding. volume 33. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.

Bautista, Antonio Carpallo. El taller de encuadernación de la familia Raso y su relación con la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (1906-1959). Madrid: Dykinson, 2023. doi:10.2307/jj.5076239.

Baydova, Anna. Illustrer le livre: peintres et enlumineurs dans l’édition parisienne de la Renaissance. Tours: Presses universitaires François Rabelais, 2023.

Beeley, Philip, and Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, eds. Mathematical Book Histories: Printing, Provenance, and Practices of Reading. Cham: Springer, 2023.

Benoit, Céline. Livres révés: merveilles de l’écriture et de la lecture dans le conte de fées (1690-1788). Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2023.

Bentein, Klaas, and Yasmine Amory, eds. Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity: Towards a Historical Social-Semiotic Approach. Leiden: Brill, 2023.

Berardi, Francesco, Andrea Lombardinilo, and Pierluigi Ortolano, eds. Comunicare McLuhan: la Galassia Gutenberg tra sociologia, lingua e retorica. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki editore, 2023.

Bergamin, Giovanni, and Tiziana Possemato, eds. Guardando oltre i confini: partire dalla tradizione per costruire il futuro delle biblioteche : studi e testimonianze per i 70 anni di Mauro Guerrini. Roma: Associazione italiana biblioteche, 2023.

Berkovitz, Abraham Jacob. A Life of Psalms in Jewish Late Antiquity. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023.

Berliner, Jonathan. William Faulkner and the Materials of Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. doi:10.1017/9781009222365.

Bernstein, Jane A. Printing Music in Renaissance Rome. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023.

Bertelli, Sandro, Costantino Marmo, and Anna Pegoretti, eds. Libri e lettori al tempo di Dante: la Biblioteca di Santa Croce in Firenze : atti delle Giornate di studio (Ferrara, Biblioteca comunale ariostea, 13-14 maggio 2022). Ravenna: Longo editore, 2023.

Bessard-Banquy, Olivier. Modernité du livre: de nouvelles maisons d’édition pour de nouveaux lectorats. Joinville-le-Pont, France: Double Ponctuation, 2023.

Bhattacharya, Sunayani. The Novel in Nineteenth-Century Bengal: Becoming Readers in Colonial India. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.

Bickenbach, Matthias. Bildschirm und Buch: Versuch über die Zukunft des Lesens. Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2023.

Bikialo, Stéphane, Maryline Heck, and Dominique Rabaté, eds. P.O.L: futur, ancien, actuel. Dijon: Les Presses du réel, 2023.

Blanc, Philippe. Avant la lettre: le drôle de clin d’œil d’un caractère inconnu, précurseur de la typographie de fantaisie. Paris: Fontegrâce, 2023.

Blaudeau, Philippe, and Véronique Sarrazin, eds. Faux et usage de faux: l’historien face à la question de la crédibilité documentaire. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2023.

Bolton, Claire M. The Incunable Collection in Memmingen Stadtarchiv: History, Introduction and Catalogue. Memmingen: Stadtarchiv, 2023.

Böninger, Lorenz. Il mercato del libro nella Firenze del Rinascimento: la bottega del cartolaio Benedetto di Giovanni e la lite per l’eredità di Peter Ugelheimer : studi e documenti. Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2023.

Borello, Benedetta, and Laura Casella, eds. Paper Heritage in Italy, France, Spain and beyond (16th to 19th Centuries): Collector Aspirations & Collection Destinies. London: Routledge, 2023.

Bosc, Jean-Louis. Les bibliothèques médicales montpelliéraines sous l’Ancien Régime: permanence des auctoritates médiévales dans les bibliothèques modernes. Montpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2023.

Bosc, Olivier, and Claire Lesage. Le rouleau des 120 journées de Sodome. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2023.

Boydak, Fatma Şeyma. Selçuklu ve beylikler devri cild sanatı: Kastamonu Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi örnekleri. Konya: Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2023.

Brockstieger, Sylvia, and Rebecca Hirt, eds. Handschrift im Druck (ca. 1500-1800): annotieren, korrigieren, weiterschreiben. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.

Brockstieger, Sylvia, and Paul Schweitzer-Martin, eds. Between Manuscript and Print: Transcultural Perspectives, ca. 1400-1800. Boston: De Gruyter, 2023.

Brooker, Robert Elton, and Ádám Erdész. Albert Kner: Artist, Icon, Legend: Discovering His Legacy in Industrial Design. Budapest; Boston: Corvina Kiadó; Club of Odd Volumes, 2023.

Brophy, James M., Gabriele B. Clemens, and Bärbel Holtz, eds. Vormärzliche Verleger zwischen Zensur, Buchmarkt und Lesepublikum. Ostfildern: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Verlagsgruppe Patmos, 2023.

Brown, Catherine. Remember the Hand: Manuscription in Early Medieval Iberia. New York: Fordham University Press, 2023.

Brownlees, Nicholas. The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023.

Bubb, Alexander. Asian Classics on the Victorian Bookshelf: Flights of Translation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

Büchli, Lysander, Alyssa Steiner, and Tina Terrahe, eds. Sebastian Brant, das “Narrenschiff” und der frühe Buchdruck in Basel: zum 500. Todestag eines humanistischen Gelehrten. Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 2023.

Bueno, Lenice. O realismo na literatura juvenil: Odette de Barros Mott e a denúncia social. Porto Alegre: Editora Zouk, 2023.

Burschel, Janke, Sarah, and Serjogin, Alexandra, eds. Der rote Faden: Künstlerbücher der Herzog August Bibliothek (2000-2022). Wolfenbüttel; Wiesbaden: Herzog August Bibliothek; Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023.

Butler, Virginia McGee. Becoming Ezra Jack Keats. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2023.

Cachero, Montserrat, and Natalia Maillard Álvarez, eds. Book Markets in Mediterranean Europe and Latin America Institutions and Strategies (15th-18th Centuries). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.

Caers, Bram, and Jan Pauwels, eds. De Rijmbijbel van Jacob van Maerlant: het oudste geïllustreerde handschrift in het Nederlands. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2023.

Caldelli, Elisabetta. I bestsellers del Medioevo e della prima Età moderna: tra evasione, studio e devozione. Roma: Edizioni Efesto, 2023.

Cambron-Goulet, Mathilde. Partager les savoirs: pratiques orales et écrites de la philosophie dans l’Antiquité. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2023.

Campillo Pardo, Alberto José. Comerciantes, censores y bibliotecas: circulación del libro entre España y Nueva Granada en el siglo XVIII. Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2023.

Candal, Geri Della Rocca de, Anthony Grafton, and Paolo Sachet, eds. Printing and Misprinting: A Companion to Mistakes and In-House Corrections in Renaissance Europe (1450-1650). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

Carbone, Pierre. Les bibliothèques. Paris: Presses universitaires de France; Humensis, 2023.

Carley, James P., and Charles Burnett, eds. Hebraism in Sixteenth-Century England: Robert and Thomas Wakefield. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2023.

Caroli, Dorena. L’illustration jeunesse russe: une histoire graphique (1917-1934). Paris; Arles: Imprimerie nationale éditions; Actes Sud, 2023.

Carpallo Bautista, Antonio, and Fermín de los Reyes Gómez, eds. Fuentes de información para el libro antiguo. Madrid: Editorial Fragua, 2023.

Carroll, Jane Suzanne. British Children’s Literature and Material Culture: Commodities and Consumption 1850-1914. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.

Cassidy, Richard. Approaching Pipe Rolls The Thirteenth Century. London: Taylor & Francis, 2023.

Castagnoli, Anna, and Loïc Boyer. L’illustration jeunesse: histoire, codes et styles : catalogue du parcours permanent du musée de l’illustration jeunesse. Dijon: Éditions Faton, 2023.

Castronuovo, Antonio. Il male dei fiori: Baudelaire a processo. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2023.

Catalano, Agustina. Puede brotar el fuego o la hermosura: literatura, política y edición en la obra de Roberto Santoro. Córdoba, Argentina: Alción Editora, 2023.

Catalogo delle cinquecentine del Fondo librario del Convento della Madonna del Sasso a Orselina. Roma: Istituto storico dei Cappuccini, 2023.

Celvarājā, En̲. Vīrakēcariyin̲ patippulakam: el̲upatukaḷil Īl̲attin̲ Tamil̲nūl veḷiyīṭṭin̲ el̲ucci. Piriṭṭān̲iyak Kiḷai; Kolumpu: Ayōtti Nūlaka Cēvaikaḷ; Kumaran Puttaka Illam, 2023.

Cenati, Giuliano. Figure da leggere: generi e prassi del fumetto in Italia (e dintorni), dal “Bertoldo” al graphic novel. Milano: Mimesis, 2023.

Chapron, Emmanuelle, and Fabienne Henryot, eds. Archives en bibliothèques, XVIe-XXIe siècles. Lyon: ENS Editions; Institut d’histoire du livre, 2023.

Chookaszian, Emma. The Gospel of Prince Vasak and the Iconographic Traditions of Armenian Royal Manuscripts of Cilicia. Yerevan: Author’s edition, 2023.

Clermidy-Patard, Geneviève. Madame de Murat et la “défense des dames”: un discours au féminin à la fin du règne de Louis XIV. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2023.

Coch, Charlotte, Torsten Hahn, and Nicolas Pethes, eds. Lesen / Sehen: Literatur als wahrnehmbare Kommunikation. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2023.

Coffin, Judith G. Sexe, amour et féminisme: quand on écrivait à « Madame de Beauvoir ». Paris: Plon, 2023.

Cohen, Nathan. Yiddish Transformed: Reading Habits in the Russian Empire, 1860-1914. Translated by Rebecca Wolpe. New York: Berghahn Books, 2023.

Coilly, Nathalie, and Caroline Vrand, eds. Imprimer!: l’Europe de Gutenberg 1450-1520. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2023.

Coluzzi, Federica, and Jacob Blakesley, eds. The Afterlife of Dante’s Vita Nova in the Anglophone World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Translation and Reception History. New York: Routledge, 2023. doi:10.4324/9781003181880.

Conary, Jennifer, and Mary L. Shannon, eds. G.W.M. Reynolds Reimagined: Studies in Authorship, Radicalism, and Genre, 1830-1870. New York: Routledge, 2023.

Cordón García, José Antonio, and María Muñoz Rico. El poder de la lectura: geografías del libro, el lector y la edición en el ensayo y la literatura. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2023.

Corfield, Penelope, and Jonas Nordin, eds. Media & Mediation in the Eighteenth Century. Lund: Media-Tryck, 2023.

Cortijo Ocaña, Antonio. Memorias de libros: censura y comercio de libros en Nueva España, siglo XVII. Valencia: Tirant Humanidades, 2023.

Cossu-Beaumont, Laurence. Deux agents littéraires dans le siècle américain: William et Jenny Bradley, passeurs culturels transatlantiques. Lyon: ENS Editions, 2023.

Couture, Carol, Eric Leroux, and Marcel Lajeunesse, eds. Le livre et la bibliothèque: la quête des savoirs et de la culture : mélanges offerts à Marcel Lajeunesse. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2023.

Craig, Heidi. Theatre Closure and the Paradoxical Rise of English Renaissance Drama in the Civil Wars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Crucifix, Benoît. Drawing from the Archives: Comics Memory in the Contemporary Graphic Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Cuny, Diane, Jean-Jacques Vincensini, and Vladimir Agrigoroaei, eds. La révolution de l’écrit: effets esthétiques et culturels. Paris: Beauchesne, 2023.

Cusack, Tricia. The Reading Figure in Irish Art in the Long Nineteenth Century. London; New York: Anthem Press, 2023.

Czerenkiewicz, Michał. Oficyna Schedlów: w świecie drukowanej książki XVII i początków XVIII wieku. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2023.

Dames, Nicholas. The Chapter: A Segmented History from Antiquity to the Twenty-First Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2023.

Dane, Alexandra. White Literary Taste Production in Contemporary Book Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Darowski, John, and Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns. Critical Approaches to Horror Comic Books: Red Ink in the Gutter. London: Routledge, 2023. doi:10.4324/9781003261551.

Davies, Callan, ed. Practices of Ephemera in Early Modern England. New York: Routledge, 2023.

Dávila Freire, Mela, ed. Off Register: Publishing Experiments by Women Artists in Latin America, 1960-1990. New York: Center for Book Arts, 2023.

Day, Katherine. Publishing Contracts and the Post Negotiation Space: Lifting the Lid on Publishing’s Black Box of Aspirations, Laws and Money. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2023.

De ellas dos: la biblioteca de Matilde Pacheco y Ana Amalia Batlle. Montevideo: Museo Histórico Nacional, Uruguay, 2023.

De Hamel, Christopher. The Manuscripts Club: The People behind a Thousand Years of Medieval Manuscripts. New York: Penguin Press, 2023.

De Luca, Elsa, Ivan Moody, and Jean-François Goudesenne, eds. The Materiality of Sound in Chant Manuscripts in the West. Turnhout: Brepols, 2023.

De Marco, Mariantonietta, Antonella Giacoia, and Andrea Talarico, eds. Ubi, quando, quomodo: catalogo del Fondo antico della Biblioteca Stefano Rodotà, Liceo classico Bernardino Telesio. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2023.

Decobert, Laurence, and Denis Herlin, eds. Collectionner la musique: aux origines des collections musicales de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France (1680-1815). Vol. V. Paris; Turnhout: Bibliothèque nationale de France; Brepols, 2023.

Dekiert, Dariusz, Irmina Gadowska, and Krystyna Radziszewska, eds. “Enchanted We Whirl in the Dance of Youth”: The Jewish Avant-Garde in Łódź and the Artist Books of Farlag Achrid, 1921. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023.

D’Elauteris, Francesca. Savelli: storia e catalogo della casa editrice (1963-1982). Roma: Artemide, 2023.

Demoor, Marysa, Cedric Van Dijck, and Birgit Van Puymbroeck, eds. The Edinburgh Companion to First World War Periodicals. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023.

Dendena, Francesco. Le biblioteche della Nazione: politiche e usi del patrimonio librario dalla Repubblica Cisalpina al Regno d’Italia (1796-1805). Roma: Viella, 2023.

Détrez, Christine, and Olivier Vanhée. Mangaddicts: French Teenagers and Manga Reading. Translated by Florian Berthé. Leiden: Brill, 2023.

Devereux, Joanna, ed. Nineteenth-Century Women Illustrators and Cartoonists. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023.

Díez Gutiérrez, Laura. Edad Media y cultura escrita: libros y bibliotecas en los reinos de León y Castilla (siglos VII-XV). Léon: Universidad de Léon, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2023.

Dijksterhuis, Fokko Jan, ed. Regulating Knowledge in an Entangled World. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2023.

Dijkstra, Trude, and Lisa Kuitert, eds. Onder druk wordt alles chaos: Boekgeschiedenissen tussen orde en wanorde. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Armorica, 2023.

Dimitriu, Oana-Lucia. Ilustraţia cărţii româneşti vechi din secolul al XVIII-lea în colecţiile Bibliotecii Academiei Române: gravura. Bucureşti: Editura Academiei Române, 2023.

Dincă, Adinel-Ciprian. The Transylvanian Saxons and Their Books in the Middle Ages. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2023.

Đinh, Xuân Dũng. Mấy vấn đề về xuất bản và văn hóa đọc Việt Nam hiện nay. Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Hà Nội, 2023.

Dizon, Lino L. Imprenta de Ramírez y Giraudier: A Story of Late Nineteenth-Century Philippine Intellectuality. Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Foundation, 2023.

Dlabačová, Anna, Andrea van Leerdam, and John J. Thompson, eds. Vernacular Books and Their Readers in the Early Age of Print (c. 1450-1600). Leiden: Brill, 2023.

Dodkhudoeva, L. N., and Francis Richard. Le siècle des Shibanides en Asie Centrale / pouvoir, legitimité et arts du livre sous les Khans Shibanides (906-1007/1500-1599). Roma: Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, 2023.

Dolbeau, François. Bibliothèques médiévales: inventaires et lecteurs. Recueil d’articles en l’honneur de son 75e anniversaire. Edited by Benedetta Valtorta. Firenze: SISMEL- Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2023.

Dölen, Emre. Dünyada ve Türkiye’de kâğıtçılığın ve matbaacılığın tarihçesi. İstanbul: Ketebe, 2023.

Dorofeeva, Anna. Reading Nature in the Early Middle Ages: Writing, Language, and Creation in the Latin Physiologus, ca. 700-1000. Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, 2023.

Driscoll, Beth, and Claire Squires, eds. The Frankfurt Kabuff Critical Edition. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2023.

Drucker, Johanna, and Brad Freeman, eds. The JAB Anthology: Selections from the Journal of Artists’ Books 1994-2020. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2023.

Dunst, Alexander. The Rise of the Graphic Novel: Computational Criticism and the Evolution of Literary Value. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Duque, Noêmia. Primavera literária afro-brasileira: apagamento, silenciamento, reinvenção, a produção escrita de mulheres negras e sua inserção no mercado editorial. São Paulo: Editora Dialética, 2023.

Durand-Guédy, David, and Jürgen Paul, eds. Personal Manuscripts: Copying, Drafting, Taking Notes. 30. Boston: De Gruyter, 2023.

Dusil, Stephan, and Andreas Thier, eds. Creating and Sharing Legal Knowledge in the Twelfth Century: Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 673 and Its Context. Leiden: Brill, 2023.

Earle, Harriet E.H., and Martin Lund. Identity and History in Non-Anglophone Comics. London: Routledge India, 2023. doi:10.4324/9781003386841.

Eddy, Matthew Daniel. Media and the Mind: Art, Science, and Notebooks as Paper Machines, 1700-1830. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2023.

Edwards, Paul, ed. The Photobook World: Artists’ Books and Forgotten Social Objects. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023.

Ellis, Markman. Science and Reading in the Eighteenth Century: The Hardwicke Circle and the Royal Society, 1740-1766. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Engberg, Maria, Iben Have, and Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen, eds. The Digital Reading Condition. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2023.

Ensley, Mimi. Difficult Pasts Post-Reformation Memory and the Medieval Romance. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023.

Erünsal, İsmail E. Fatih’in entelektüel portresi: merakları, kitapları ve kütüphaneleri. İstanbul: Timaş Yayınları, 2023.

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심우진. 글자 의 삼 번 요추: 저온 숙성 타이포그래피 에세이. Seoul: 물고기, 2023.

유종원, 김송희, and 김옥열. 광주, 전남 신문 100년: 구한말 부터 5공화국 까지. Gwangju: 전남 대학교 언론 홍보 연구소, 2023.

이기대. 낭독 의 탄생. Seoul: 다운샘, 2023.

이두영. 한국 출판 역사 의 연구 방법: 출판 의 역사 란 무엇 인가, 어떻게 쓸 것 인가. Paju: 시간 의 물레, 2023.

이민희. 18세기 의 세책사: 소설 읽기 의 시작 과 유행. Paju: 문학 동네, 2023.

이재호. 나 병식 평전: 걷고 또 걸었다 풀빛 으로. Seoul: 풀빛, 2023.

이정. 장인 과 닥나무 가 함께 만든 역사, 조선 의 과학 기술사. Seoul: 푸른 역사, 2023.

이종권. 책 과 도서관 의 문명사. Seoul: 문현, 2023.

조성순. 한국 그림책 의 역사. Namyangju: 청동 거울, 2023.

책향, 소중한 인연: 경진 신 정식 컬렉션. Busan: 전망, 2023.

허윤. 위험한 책 읽기: “문학 소녀” 에서 페미니스트 까지, 한국 여성 독서 문화사. Seoul: 책 과 함께, 2023.

황태연. 책 의 나라 조선 의 출판 혁명. Seoul: 한국 문화사, 2023.

中国美术学院美术史论研究中心. 书籍之为艺术: 中国古代书籍中的艺术元素学术研讨会论文集. Hangzhou: 中国美术学院出版社, 2023.

于兆军. 宋代雕版印刷与文化. Taiyuan: 山西人民出版社, 2023.

伊藤正徳. 近代日本新聞史: 近代新聞の誕生から敗戦占領下での再生まで. Tōkyō: 書肆心水, 2023.

佐藤道生. 日本人の読書: 古代・中世の学問を探る. Tokyo: 勉誠出版, 2023.

刘劲松. 近代中国公共图书馆法规研究: 1910-1949年. Beijing: 知识产权出版社, 2023.

刘晓翔. 汉字网格与文本造型. Shanghai: 上海人民美术出版社, 2023.

刘松矗, 武玉紅, and 袁曼書. 书籍与文明: 英国维多利亚时代的知识生产与人文景观. Chengdu: 四川人民出版社, 2023.

刘硕良, and 黄伟林. 与时间书: 刘硕良口述回忆录. Guilin: 漓江出版社, 2023.

叶新. 张元济和早期商务印书馆: 近代出版史散论. Beijing: 中央编译出版社, 2023.

吴平. 经部要籍编辑思想研究. Wuhan: 武汉大学出版社, 2023.

吴廷俊. “大公报”全史(1902-1949). Shanghai: 復旦大學出版社 ; 商務印書館, 2023.

城山拓也. 中国漫画のモダニズム: 葉浅予と王先生の物語. Nishinomiya: 関西学院大学出版会, 2023.

复旦大学历史学系, and 中国近现代新闻出版博物馆. 近现代出版与新知识传播. Beijing: 中华书局, 2023.

多布旦, and 扎西当知, eds. 英藏敦煌藏文文献勘录. Beijing: 中国藏学出版社, 2023.

孙毓修. 中国雕板源流考汇刊. Edited by 叶新, 郑凌峰, and 樊颖. Beijing: 中华书局, 2023.

孟美菊, and 王建民. 漢代簡帛文獻文字研究. Qingdao: 中國海洋大學出版社, 2023.

孫秀玲. 搶救古籍關鍵人物. Taibei Shi: 國家圖書館, 2023.

岸本覚, and 曽根原理, eds. 書物の時代の宗教: 日本近世における神と仏の変遷. Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: 勉誠出版, 2023.

広瀬徹. 籾山仁三郎〈梓月〉伝: 実業と文芸. Tōkyō: 幻戯書房, 2023.

张丽萍. 民国时期内蒙古地区报刊研究. Beijing: 中国社会科学出版社, 2023.

張俐璇, ed. 出版島讀: 臺灣人文出版的百年江湖. Taibei Shi: 時報文化, 2023.

張圍東. 古籍之美: 古籍的插圖版畫. Xin zhu xian zhu bei: 方集出版社股份有限公司, 2023.

新华日报简史(1938-2023). Nanjing: 江苏人民出版社, 2023.

新藤透. 日本の図書館事始: 日本における西洋図書館の受容. Tōkyō: 三和書籍, 2023.

方广, and 李际宁, eds. 伍伦经眼古经图录. Beijing: 国家图书馆出版社, 2023.

日本近世文学会, ed. 和本図譜: 江戶を究める. Tōkyō: 文学通信, 2023.

是澤博昭. 赤本〈1938-1941〉: 内務省児童読物統制・佐伯郁郎とその朋友. Yokohama: 世織書房, 2023.

木村迪子. 近世前期仏書の研究. Tōkyō: 新典社, 2023.

朽見行雄. 日本史を支えてきた, 和紙の話. Tōkyō: 草思社, 2023.

李宝杰, ed. 中国音乐期刊及报纸研究. Beijing: 文化藝術出版社, 2023.

李锐. 出土文献的学派判定. Beijing: 中国人民大学出版社, 2023.

杨成凯. 古籍版本十讲. Beijing: 中华书局, 2023.

林盼. 报人群体与组织生长: 以清末”中外日报”为中心. Fuzhou Shi: 福建教育出版社, 2023.

柴剑虹. 敦煌学十讲. Hangzhou: 浙江古籍出版社, 2023.

梁元生, 曹璇, 區志堅, and 姜本末. 學海書樓與香江國學: 中國傳統文化在香港的傳承與革新. 香港: 中華書局(香港)有限公司, 2023.

江南和幸, 佐藤悟, and 横井孝, eds. 紙のレンズがひらく古典籍・絵画の世界. Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: 勉誠社, 2023.

潘銘燊. 錢門立雪篇: 中國圖書史論集. Xianggang: 初文出版社有限公司, 2023.

王素. 敦煌吐魯番與漢唐西域史. Beijing: 生活·讀書·新知三聯書店, 2023.

王诗文. 中国传统手工纸生产旧影. Edited by 陈龙. Beijing: 国家图书馆出版社, 2023.

甘肃简牍博物馆, 甘肃省文物考古研究所, 西北师范大学简牍研究所, and 清华大学出土文献研究与保护中心. 悬泉汉简. 叁. Shanghai: 中西书局, 2023.

缪小咏. 江蘇出版史. 明代卷. Edited by 徐海 and 钱兴奇. Nanjing: 江苏人民出版社, 2023.

罗鹭. 元代印刷文化與文學研究. Shanghai: 上海古籍出版社, 2023.

菊地信義. 装幀余話. Tōkyō: 作品社, 2023.

萧永龙. 南洋书话: 香港, 南洋, 民国旧书刊记述. Taibei Shi: 季风带文化有限公司, 2023.

谷頭和希. ブックオフから考える: 「なんとなく」から生まれた文化のインフラ. Tōkyō: 青弓社, 2023.

赵林平. 晚明至清中叶戏曲的商业出版研究. Beijing: 中国戏剧出版社, 2023.

越懸澤麻衣. 大正時代の音楽文化とセノオ楽譜. Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: 小鳥遊書房, 2023.

野口武悟. 読書バリアフリーの世界: 大活字本と電子書籍の普及と活用. Tōkyō: 三和書籍, 2023.

長友千代治. 江戶時代の貸本屋: 庶民の読書熱, 馬琴の創作を支えた書物流通の拠点. Tōkyō: 勉誠社, 2023.

阿部卓也. 杉浦康平と写植の時代: 光学技術と日本語のデザイン. Tōkyō-to Minato-ku: 慶応義塾大学出版会, 2023.

陈正宏, ed. 苏州刻书史. Nanjing: 凤凰出版社, 2023.

霍艳芳. 李开先藏书, 著述与刻书研究. Hangzhou: 浙江大学出版社, 2023.

马千. 画楼: “北洋画报”忆旧. Beijing: 社会科学文献出版社, 2023.

魏健鹏. 图像与文本: 敦煌石窟维摩诘经变研究. Lanzhou: 甘肃文化出版社, 2023.

鲁怒放. 五桂楼藏书史述. Hangzhou: 浙江大学出版社, 2023.

黃潘明珠著. and 黃潘明珠, author. 汗墨傳世: 香港新文學出版第一人孫受匡及受匡出版部. Xianggang: 香港中文大學, 2023.

SHARP Annual Bibliography 2023 – SHARP NEWS (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.